Sébastien Balibar
(LPS, ENS): Quantum plasticity and supersolidity
We have discovered that, in the total absence of impurities, helium 4
crystals are anomalously soft [1]. In our opinion, this is
a consequence of the quantum properties of their dislocation
lines which are able to move macroscopic distances (typically a
fraction of a millimeter) at high speed (several meters per second) as
a response to very small applied stresses (one microbar).
Moreover, this quantum plasticity appears to be closely related to
another astonishing property of quantum crystals, namely their
"supersolidity'', that is the possible superflow of a fraction of the
crystal mass through the rest which remains elastic, actually more
rigid than in the normal state [2].
Very tiny traces of helium 3 impurities are sufficient to pin the
dislocations below about 100 mK and destroy the quantum plasticity. By
studying rotational and elastic properties of crystals with various
qualities and variable helium 3 content, we are now checking that
supersolidity is a consequence of matter flowing along dislocation
lines but only if these dislocations are pinned by impurities.
Le Laboratoire de Physique Statistique de l'ENS est
associé au CNRS, Paris (France).
[1] X. Rojas, A. Haziot, V.
Bapst, H.J. Maris, and S. Balibar, Anomalous softening of helium 4 crystals,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 145302 (2010).
[2] S. Balibar, The enigma of supersolidity, Nature
464, 176 (2010).