The aim of this lecture is to provide a description of quantum transport in disordered systems, with an emphasis on important phenomena like weak localization, Anderson localization and the Anderson metal-insulator transition. During the lecture, a number of important theoretical tools needed to describe quantum particle scattering in the presence of spatial disorder will be introduced in a pedagogical fashion, such as the Green's function technique, diagrammatic approaches to weak localization and transfer matrices. The lectures will be also illustrated by experimental examples and tutorials, especially taken from the physics of quantum gases and  condensed matter.

The supervised research project offers the possibility to pursue an experimental research project within a team of the ENS Physics department or neighbor institutes.

This course deals with transfers in complex fluids, which are ubiquitous processes in everyday life and industrial applications, as well as in geological or biological systems. Different types of transfers will be examined : first, drying and dissolution and, in a second part, wetting of a solid surface. The specificities of the drying of complex fluids will be highlighted, and associated phenomena such as glass transition, Marangoni effects, etc. will be described quantitatively in the light of recent literature. The mechanisms of the reverse process of dissolution will also be detailed. Then, starting from the description of the wetting of a solid by a simple liquid, we will see how introducing complexity in this multiphase problem (viscoelasticity, surface-volume exchanges, intermediate characteristic length scale, activity…) modifies the contact between media. The related challenges posed in industrial applications will also be detailed.


Que ce soit pour la modélisation, l’acquisition ou l’analyse de donnée, l’informatique est devenu un outil indispensable pour tout scientifique. L’objectif principal de ce cours est d’apprendre à utiliser les techniques permettant de manipuler les données. 

Physics is an experimental science. Its progress is due to a constant exchange between theory and experiments. Experimental skills are thus a requirement.