Bernard Plaçais
Bernard Plaçais received the physicist degree from the Ecole Supérieure de Physique et Chimie Industrielle and the master in solid state physics from Sorbonne University
in 1980. He obtained the PhD degree and Habilitation
diploma from Sorbonne University in 1983 and 1990,
respectively. He is research director at Physics Institute of CNRS (centre national de la recherche scientifique)
and works since 1983 at the Laboratoire de Physique de l'Ecole Normale Superieure (UMR 8023 of the CNRS). He is retired since July 2023. In
2000, he participated to the creation of the Mesoscopic Physics group of ENS, which he was heading until 2023. From 2010 to 2017 he was director of the french Quantum Mesoscopic Physics network (GDR 2425 of the CNRS). He is partner of the Graphene Flagship (2013-2023) and editorial board member of J. Phys. Materials (2016-2022). He is member of the selection panel of the European MicroKelvin Platform. He received the Three Physicist Prize 2020 (see prize seminar). His interest covers mesoscopic
physics, nanoelectronics, quantum elecronics, graphene electronics,
topological matter and vortices in superfluids and superconductors. He has authored over 120 PUBLICATIONS and supervised over 20 PhD thesis.
email: send
Address: Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS, 24, rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris, France
Office: L294
Lab: L175
Phone: +33 1 44 32 3456
Fax: +33 1 44 32 3840
Research ID :
Sub-nanosecond transport in quantum Hall effect (QHE) conductors
Quantization of the charge relaxation resistance
AC currrent Quantization Noise of a single electron emitter Admittance of a quantum chiral inductor
Electron Quantum Optics with QHE edge channels

Single electron emitter
Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment Fermionic Hong Ou Mandel dip Electron fractionalization anyon collider
Graphene field-effect transistors

Nano G-FET 80 GHz G-FET on saphire Gated contact G-FET Zener-Klein transistor Velocity-saturation flicker
Noise thermometry and radiative investigation of cooling pathways in graphene

AC phonon cooling Supercollision cooling Radiative hyperbolic phonon cooling Mid-infrared electroluminescence
High electric-field Dirac-fermion transport in graphene
Frenkel-Pool breakdown of hBN QHE breakdown of massive and massless Dirac fermions Giant Klein collimation and Schwinger QED instability
Dirac Fermion Optics & Plasmonics in graphene

Klein tunneling reflector (th.)
Klein tunneling reflector (exp.)
Plasma Resonance Capacitor
Volkov-Pankratov states in HgTe/CdHgTe Topological Heterojunctions
Volkov-Pankratov-states High-field phase diagramme Evanescent-wave admittance spectrum Scattering spectroscopy of VP states HgTe/CdHgTe capacitor
Single carbon nanotube devices
Shot-noise in the Kondo regime Ultimate CNT-FET nanotransistor Transconductance and noise conductance of CNT-FETs
Vortices in rotating superfuids: He-4 (2 Kelvin) and fermionic He-3 (2 milli-Kelvin)

Bending length of vortex lattices Second-sound anisotropy (He-4) Vortex nuclation under neutron irradiation (He-3) ; Kibble-Zurek quench (He-3)
ROTA-2 cryostat (He-3)
Vortices in superconductors (basics) : DC transport, AC susceptibilité, flux-flow noise
Current-voltage in the vortex state (PbIn) 2-mode electrodynamics (PnIn) Collective pinning (Nb) Voltage noise (PbIn) Magnetic field noise (PbIn)
Vortices in superconductors (advanced)

Topological f-wave UPt3
Double core of f-wave UPt3 vortices (J. Sauls)
Penetration depth in d-wave (YBCO) Critical current in 2H-NbSe2
Interlude : bird watching

ring-necked parakeet

red shank
wood sandpiper
common snipe
shovel duck
avocet in nest

madere hummingbird


magnificent frigatConferences and schools :
Rencontres du Vietnam 2017 :
Nanophysics, from fundamental to applications reloaded, Quy-Nhon august 2017
Rencontres du Vietnam 2013 :
Nanophysics, from fundamental to applications the return, Quy-Nhon 4-10 august 2013
Ecole de physique quantique mésoscopique 2012
Transport quantique électronique : cohérence, interactions et symétries, Cargèse
Discussions Lavoisier 2011
Prospective workshop series on graphene physics and technology.
Orsay meeting on graphene eelctronics and spintronics.
Sessions du GDR de Physique Quantique mésoscopique 2009-2017
Mesoscopic Physcis network annual meetings in Aussois
Tremblay Summer School 2007-2010 :
"Nanoscience Ile de France" series, domaine du Tremblay
Rencontres de Moriond 2008 :
Quantum transport and Nanophysics, La Thuile 8-15 march 2008
Rencontres du Vietnam 2006 :
Nanophysics, from fundamental to applications, Hanoi 6-12 august 2006
International collaborations
GRAPHENE FLAGSHIP, WP7 : electronic devices (2013-23)
ULTI : Transnational
Acces to Ultra Low Temperature Infrastructures, ESPOO-Finland
CARDEQ FP6-EU-STREP : Carbon Nanotube Devices at the Quantum Limit (2006-09)
Lectures :
Ecole Cargèse du GDR Graphene and Co, April 2018
Electronic transport in graphene
Graphene Study, Flagship Residential School, Kaprun, March 2015
Noise and Ballistics in graphene (parts 1 and 2)
Aalto University, April 2014
Electron Quantum Optics with Edge States, part 1
Electron Quantum Optics with Edge States, part 2
Tremblay Summer School, June 2012
Microwave graphene electronnics
Ecole Cargèse du GDR de Physique Mésoscopique, Oct. 2008
Transport dynamique dans les conducteurs mésoscopiques : aspects expérimentaux, part 1
Transport dynamique dans les conducteurs mésoscopiques : aspects expérimentaux, part 2
Focus, Review and Outreach