The purpose of these lectures is to provide the basis on modern theoretical cosmology.
First, we’ll discuss cosmological solutions stemming from General Relativity, the observational and theoretical grounds upon which are built the so-called cosmological pillars, namely the fact of expansion, the big-bang model itself, and finally, the thermal history of the Universe.
We then study large scale structure formation from a theoretical standpoint: cosmological perturbation theory and their quantum vacuum fluctuation origin during inflation. This should lead to a global perspective over the contemporary cosmological model; we will also emphasise the limitations and extensions to currently ongoing researches.
Observational aspects will not be covered in details, but we will pinpoint the relationship between the predictions and the real Universe, as revealed through measurements on primordial nucleosynthesis, the cosmic microwave background, the power spectrum of large scale structure, Hubble diagram
The lectures will deal with the following topics:
- Friedman-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker spaces
- The three fundamental tests of cosmology (expansion, BBN & CMB)
- Thermal history of the Universe
- Theory of cosmological perturbations
- CMB anisotropies
- Inflation