The aim of this course is to introduce the most important topics needed to understand how we can test the Standard Model, then why and how we must go beyond it. It is aimed not just at future practitioners, but at anyone wanting to study High Energy Physics.
The subjects covered are:
- Particle physics: types of experiments, physics at colliders, production of resonances, relation to unitarity constraints.
- Phenomenology at the LHC: IR divergences in QFT, jets, parton distribution functions, properties and discovery of the Higgs boson, status of BSM searches.
- Effective field theories: formalism, Wilsonian and 1PI actions, Fermi theory, chiral effective theory, the SMEFT.
- Precision tests: electroweak precision constraints, electric dipole moments, magnetic moments.
- Cracks in the Standard Model: the strong CP problem, neutrino masses, lack of baryogenesis mechanism, metastability of the Higgs potential, modern perspective on the Hierarchy Problem, experimental anomalies.
- A lightning tour of the most important theories Beyond the Standard Model: the axion, seesaw models, supersymmetry, extra dimensions, Randall-Sundrum, composite Higgs.
The only prerequisite is QFT 1, but it should be taken alongside QFT 2.