Quantum matter
The goal of this course is to introduce somewhat "advanced" topics in quantum matter, tackle truly quantum-entangled, strongly interacting, phases of matter and materials, and present how quantum matter is a particularly rich field, with many open theoretical problems.
We will briefly review introductory topics in solid state/condensed matter physics for those who have not had a first class on the subject, and introduce / review second quantization. We will emphasize the role and consequences of symmetries, including time-reversal symmetry, and symmetry-based theorems. We will see how insulators can appear from adding interactions to free electrons in metals and how spin-spin interactions emerge, and we will also introduce enough quantum chemistry to understand how to build models for materials. In order to illustrate how new phenomena emerge from many interacting particles, we will study several spin models where long-range quantum entanglement emerges, with its host of fractional particles. We will introduce the theoretical tools to understand several experimental techniques, as well as a few modern numerical techniques.
* Symmetries and Conservation Laws
* Second Quantization
* Tight-binding models and band structure
* Topological quantum matter (SSH, Bulk-edge, Berry Phase, Chern numbers)
* Interacting electrons
* Quantum Hall effects, Chern insulators, Dirac matter, graphene
* Green's functions, Linear Response, Scattering Theory
* Magnetism
Depending on time,
* Fermi and Luttinger Liquid, Bosonization
* Path integrals, WKB
Written exam
- Quantum mechanics
- Statistical physics
A plus, but not required:
- A first course in condensed matter/solid state physics
- Advanced quantum mechanics
- Advanced statistical physics
- Introduction to field theory
- Introduction to atomic and molecular physics