The aim of this lecture is to provide a description of quantum transport in disordered systems, with an emphasis on important phenomena like weak localization, Anderson localization and the Anderson metal-insulator transition. During the lecture, a number of important theoretical tools needed to describe quantum particle scattering in the presence of spatial disorder will be introduced in a pedagogical fashion, such as the Green's function technique, diagrammatic approaches to weak localization and transfer matrices. The lectures will be also illustrated by experimental examples and tutorials, especially taken from the physics of quantum gases and  condensed matter.

Recent years have seen enormous experimental progress in preparing, controlling and probing quantum systems in various regimes far from thermal equilibrium. Examples include systems as ultra-cold atomic quantum gases under time-dependent perturbations, driven non-linear cavity QED systems or strongly correlated electrons in solid-state materials under ultra-fast optical excitations.

The main goal of this course is to provide an advanced view of the optical response of quantum materials. 

Ce cours vise à décrire l'interaction entre la matière quantique dans sa forme la plus simple, un atome, et un champ électromagnétique. Une approche semi-classique, où le champ est classique, est d'abord considérée, en incluant la relaxation de l'atome. Nous procédons ensuite à la quantification du champ électromagnétique et décrivons sa relaxation, avant que son interaction avec un atome ne soit étudiée dans un modèle quantique complet.


Progress in experimental quantum physics has transformed thought experiments into reality, so that an exciting new question can now be asked : How can we harness the "strange" features of quantum mechanics - such as nonlocality, entanglement, and quantum measurement - in new applications ? In this new field, broadly called “quantum technologies”, new ideas and concepts are being put forward.