Ultimate quantum conductors : Novel electronic states and transport phenomena
Resp. UE: Dimitri Roditchev (PR ESPCI, LPEM)
Teachers: Tristan Cren (DR CNRS, Sorbonne Université, INSP), Meydi Ferrier (MCF Université Paris-Saclay, LPS), Dimitri Roditchev (PR ESPCI-PSL, LPEM)
ECTS credits: 3
Language of instruction: English
Examination: oral exam
In this course we discuss a few examples of new electronic phenomena emerging due to strong electron confinement in the matter: ultimate superconductors made of single atomic layers or nano-wires, topological insulators - materials which own conducting channels at their edges/surfaces, as well as hybrid nano-devices containing these exotic materials and phases. Theoretical aspects will be introduced and illustrated by the results of experimental studies by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy on a local scale, and by measurements of coherent electron transport and magnetism at mesoscopic scales.
Following the S1 course “Electronic transport and superconductivity” is helpful for comprehension.
Plan of the course:
- Trivial and topological materials: edge states, Landau levels, Berry phase.
- Quantum coherent electron transport: Microscopic, macroscopic and mesoscopic scales. Signatures of topology in transport.
- Principles of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM).
- Electron spectroscopy with STM: Fundamentals of Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy (STS).
- Vortex and skyrmions as topological objects.
- Ultimate superconductivity: monolayers, nano-wires.
- Ultimate magnetism: graphene monolayer and van der Waals heterostructures.
- Superconducting hybrid devices involving topological matter: local (STS) vs global (mesoscopic transport) insights.