Quantum Communications
Philippe Goldner & Diana Serrano
In this lecture, we will review the principles of quantum communications. In the first part, we will look at the use of quantum physics to drastically increase security in communications, which is the field of quantum cryptography. After a general introduction, we will discuss single-photon quantum key distribution (QKD), followed by protocols involving entangled states. In the second part, we will study interferences with single photons and quantum teleportation. We will then consider quantum networks and the building blocks of long-distance quantum communications. Throughout the lecture, concepts and calculations will be illustrated by research papers and experimental implementations will also be presented.
1. Introduction
- Classical cryptography
- Quantum approach
- Non-cloning theorem
- Polarization states
2. QKD with single photons - BB84 protocol
- Experimental implementations
- B91 protocol
- Attacks
3. QKD with entangled states
- Bell states and Bell inequalities
- Eckert91 protocol
- Experimental implementations
4. Quantum teleportation
- Interferences with single photons
- Multi-photon entangled states
- Teleportation protocols
- Experimental implementations
5. Quantum networks
- Building blocks
- Long-distance quantum communication
- Experimental implementations
Written (2 h)